o hai der, I dint see ya ceilin' cat. I've had the nicest two days, with their downsides too.
Took be about 485734 hours to wake up, then another 5476 hours to get ready. Then I had to pikey it up and stash clothes and sheet in Robyns backgarden 'cos she wasnt there and then rush to islington before Amy drank herself silly (I was too late haha). So Amys drunk, and orange. Robyns in pain, and sexy. I'm looking like a boy, and really needing a drink. I didnt mind spending like nearly £8 on just 2 strongbows because that was the nicest strongbow i've ever had. The challenge me and Robyn set ourseles to be in a 'this is canterbury' video was achieved. Unfortunatly, we looked like goons. Also, I think me and Amy will be in WATO tour vid :lllll!
Bands went like this:
Burndown Rome - No thanks.
All Forgotten - Still not impressed
Canterbury - (L)(L)
We are the ocean - (L)
Woke up at 5am. Got ready. Went home. Charged me phone for a while. Then went to Victoria. Livid that there was only a nero. Then found a costa. Got an iced latte. Then livid again when I found out there was a starbucks just outside the station. Train to Brighton was funny. Then...
Brighton beach, Brighton beach, Brighton beach, Brighton beach. BRIGHTONBEACH!
It was fun at first. Horror hotel was a laugh. That ride that like played 2 seconds of James Brown made me livid, just made me want to listen to the whole song. I went on that booster ride. If you dont know what i'm on about, its hard to explain so just look it up. I had Lisa screaming 'I hate you. I really fucking hate you.' next to me and everytime i opened my eyes all i could see was white. It was so so sicK! Sadly though, Steph lost her phone on one ride, that sucks. We went on waltzer about 300 times and the last time we went on it and I got off, I got my ankle caught and cut it badly. Its seriously disgusting! A lot happened and by the end of the day, 3 kids walked away with a playstation 3 each, lucky fuckers. Also comeing home I had the worst toothache ever. it was cry worthy pain.
and now today, I am so so tired. I'm dying my hair aswell today. Say goodbye to fire power :( Its just too much to handle!