Friday, 18 July 2008

sleep is the cure

o hai der, I dint see ya ceilin' cat. I've had the nicest two days, with their downsides too.

Took be about 485734 hours to wake up, then another 5476 hours to get ready. Then I had to pikey it up and stash clothes and sheet in Robyns backgarden 'cos she wasnt there and then rush to islington before Amy drank herself silly (I was too late haha). So Amys drunk, and orange. Robyns in pain, and sexy. I'm looking like a boy, and really needing a drink. I didnt mind spending like nearly £8 on just 2 strongbows because that was the nicest strongbow i've ever had. The challenge me and Robyn set ourseles to be in a 'this is canterbury' video was achieved. Unfortunatly, we looked like goons. Also, I think me and Amy will be in WATO tour vid :lllll!
Bands went like this:
Burndown Rome - No thanks.
All Forgotten - Still not impressed
Canterbury - (L)(L)
We are the ocean - (L)

Woke up at 5am. Got ready. Went home. Charged me phone for a while. Then went to Victoria. Livid that there was only a nero. Then found a costa. Got an iced latte. Then livid again when I found out there was a starbucks just outside the station. Train to Brighton was funny. Then...
Brighton beach, Brighton beach, Brighton beach, Brighton beach. BRIGHTONBEACH!
It was fun at first. Horror hotel was a laugh. That ride that like played 2 seconds of James Brown made me livid, just made me want to listen to the whole song. I went on that booster ride. If you dont know what i'm on about, its hard to explain so just look it up. I had Lisa screaming 'I hate you. I really fucking hate you.' next to me and everytime i opened my eyes all i could see was white. It was so so sicK! Sadly though, Steph lost her phone on one ride, that sucks. We went on waltzer about 300 times and the last time we went on it and I got off, I got my ankle caught and cut it badly. Its seriously disgusting! A lot happened and by the end of the day, 3 kids walked away with a playstation 3 each, lucky fuckers. Also comeing home I had the worst toothache ever. it was cry worthy pain.

and now today, I am so so tired. I'm dying my hair aswell today. Say goodbye to fire power :( Its just too much to handle!


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

So negi

Its disappointing really, that for the past 3 years i've never been quite good enough but then some myspace girl with a huge konk (or tits which she gets out on the regz) always is. Its strange 'cos I never ask for much. Infact, I think the only thing i've actually ever asked for is for 'things to go smoothly for a change' does that ever happen, no ? Theres your proof God and miracles dont exist. That blind person that all of a sudden could see or that paralysed person that could all of a sudden walk was either just a freak of nature or a commercial fake. Nothing good ever comes without a price. That snog came with a price, easy lust and heartache. Next time Robyn, please give me the advice before things like this happen! Thats what i've got to start doing, listening to my best friends advice. The words 'I really dont trust him Gem' should be taken seriously with caution. Basically,

Atleast one good thing has come of this, I realised something. Theres the people who dont understand and couldnt give a fuck if they know your upset, their soul purpose is how if effects them and them only. Then, theres the people who know straight away and text you and try their hardest to talk to you til ridiculous times in the morning. Robyn & Amy (if they knew what was going on at the time), Jamie Tuffs, Webby (:l), cant name the other one but he knows who he is. Oh and then theres the person who gets a different category of his own (Robyn should be here too cos i know she would have been just the same) The guy that not only spent ages chatting to me, making sure I was alright but also wanted to do something to make things right. Nick, your such a babe and your protection is gold.

I cant sit here and say 'hate life. give up with boys blah blah'! everyone knows that wont happen. Everyones knows that on wednesday, i'll be standing there, off my face, watching canterbury, all forgotten and we are the ocean and then go back to robyns and have such a laugh, get up ridiculously early and have such a good time at brighton on thursday. All while that happens i'll have a huge smile on my face and in the back of my mind i'll be thinking 'jeez, bmxers are so fit. soo much eye candy at rom jam' I guess though, at the same time, the feeling of not being good enough will gloom over me like a rain cloud in sunny 'ol England.

University is going to be SO sweet. I have just over a year to wait. If I get through this year, I am set with a smile for the next 3!

To do list for today:
1) keep my phone on so people can get at me if they wanna do something
2) curl up on sofa
3) watch paris je t'amie without falling asleep
4) have the longest bath i've ever had
5) go out and buy I.d. or something amusing
6) Go to robyns and pick up our baby camera cos the school have decided they want it back now :( seriously gutted about that.
7) Help out parents later tonight
8) sleeeeeeep!

i r dun. bai!


Sunday, 6 July 2008

Start on a high

So hai. Its the day after my 17th birthday. I've had a mad crazy weekend. Its been amazing and only 364 days til i'm 18.

So it was cool seeing Ross before he went to newquay. We went for a walk. He brought a vinyl which made him ridiculously happy. Then I made him sit in starbucks to have some coffee. He cant deny that he loved it. Sitting on the green watching tennis at canary warf was a nice end to the day. I love the stuff me and Ross talk about. Basically. No matter how sleepy I felt!

My parents went to leysdown for the weekend. They left on friday. For the second year in a row I was not with my parents on my birthday. At which I took full advantage! Had some people over on friday night. Robyn, Nick, Tom, David and Hannah. Pizza gogo round the corner made a lot of money from us lot on friday/saturday. It was a lot of fun.

Then, of course, satruday was my birthday :)! Finally 17 and so so posi. Went to see The Rocket Summer.

It was one of the best gigs I have ever been to. This aint where its at, my friends will second that, and I got to admit, sometimes its pretty sad but its like we're our own brat pack! Bryce was so lovely to watch and I danced and it was so nice to like share the night with my best ever friend. Best songs of the night: Brat Park (just because it had a huge meaning to me and Robyn) and Cross my heart (because the crowd was PUMPED and Bryce just made it amazing) Unfortunatly, when we went into the gig, security had to take the video camera off us so we lost our baby for a while but we got him back straight after! Also, on the way back into the station after it we saw Rob Baker which was really cool. Theres just one thing I'd like to add. This one guy standing in front of us for the first part of the Rocket summer, this is to him: "Just because your mate was fit with his dunlop and ginger hair and just 'cos you've had a couple of 2% watered down beers doesnt mean you can be a prick. Also, you stood there pretty much saying 'I dont even like Rocket Summer'... well someones really did waste their money." done.

so yeah for the rest of today I am going to catch up on and wait til 8pm for the finale of the hills which i'm so excited about.
Thats it folks, kbai!

oh p.s. Has everyone seen Lindsay Lohan's new GIRLFRIEND ? :lll

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Run's House, United Kingdom
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