Wednesday, 29 October 2008

My days are filled

The uni list currently stands at:
London fashon college ?

Start work in Debenhams soon. So far my hours are 10 - 7 on Saturdays. When I start, gonna need some company on lunch break pwease.

Just got back from Kew gardens, most beautiful place i've ever been. serious.

Halloween party tomorrow night. I am Peter Pan. Forever.

Goodnight !

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

This is me !

bed, yugo, youtube, pwpwpw♥, ben&jerrys, wine, my dog, my sister, trees, Huve, rats, chinatown, az your van broken?!, world ending, mouthwash, fancy goods, coffee, lesser panda, quiet, crazyshambles, nick's pure desire to help, I spy with my little eye, blyk, guestlists, babeh, happy songs, parks in the sun, starbucks, Hoodia, asda, thanks o2, size zero, reading everything, Topher's 'life size' scale explanation of world war two, spearology, truuuuuuth, being a bit married, lolcats, this is canterbury, 2am texts, 3am phone calls, o hai, blog fights, hand gestures, Robyn generally, 5ft4, tall guys:), single pringle 4evz and having zero feelings.

(I'll always add more!)

About Me

My photo
Run's House, United Kingdom
Hi !